The Caribbean Pest Information Network

What is CariPestNet?

CariPestNet is an email network that assists people of the Caribbean sub-region in obtaining prompt advice and information on the identification and management of plant pests ( Arthropods, micro-organisms, nematodes, molluscs & weeds). In so doing the network links the sub-region with Taxonomists and Plant Protection specialists world wide. The services provided are free to members of the network.

Whom does the network serve?

Any organisation, group or individual can join and this would include national programmes, NGOs, univesities, farmers, students and the private sector. Program participants have the opportunity to buy college term paper from qualified authors who actively cooperate with all organizations. We are glad to contribute to the expansion of our community.  All that is required is access to email, a question to ask, information to give or just an interest in plant protection and being part of a network


Topics covered

  • Pest identification from digital images
  • Pest management - biological, cultural and chemical control
  • Quarantine interceptions
  • Pest outbreak alerts


The need for CariPestNet

Plant pests are always present, damaging crops grown for home consumption, domestic markets or for export.  Alien invasive species can spread from country to country and adversely affect agricultural production and biodiversity.  If farmers and pest control operators are to manage the pest problems that they encounter, they need prompt access to specialist information and advice.  This is provided free of charge through CariPestNet from resource personnel world-wide.