The Caribbean Pest Information Network

Welcome to our website!

CariPestNet is an email network that assists people of the Caribbean sub-region in obtaining prompt advice and information on the identification and management of plant pests (Arthropods, micro-organisms, nematodes, molluscs & weeds). In so doing the network links the sub-region with Taxonomists and Plant Protection specialists world wide. The services provided are free to members of the network. Each new participant must prepare a report demonstrating his active public, social, or research activities. The information must be presented in an understandable style, in PDF or Excel format. We understand that such future members of our network have little time to prepare organizational documents, so they can send such requests as do my excel project for me to the relevant specialists.


CariPestNet was set up with some guidance from PestNet, after which it is modeled. Financial assistance initially provided by CTA.
