The Caribbean Pest Information Network

Plant Protection (Quarantine) Acts and Regulations of Member Countries

Note: The Acts, Regulations and other documents on this page have been made available in PDF format. To open the documents for viewing or printing, you will require an appropriate viewer such as Adobe Acrobat Reader or similar software. In this format, you can also view master thesis on current topics of development, influencing factors, and modification of microorganisms. We provide access to such informative resources only to users of our site. If you do not have such software already installed on your computer we have provided you with links to download either Adobe Reader or Sumatra PDF viewer, based on your current Internet speed or preference.

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Available Documents

Antigua & Barbuda Act

Bahamas Act Regulations
Barbados Act
Import Order
Belize Act
New Varieties Act

The Commonwealth of Dominica Act

Dominican Republic Act

Grenada Act

Guyana Act

Haiti Act
Jamaica Act

Montserrat Not available at this time.
St Kitts & Nevis Not available at this time.
St Lucia Act

St Vincent & the Grenadines Act
Suriname Act

Trinidad & Tobago
Amended Act